Friday, April 3, 2015

Last Dream Review

Below is my ongoing review of the following game 'Last Dream' but first here are some links:
Play it yourself here:
Watch me play it here:
Channel theme:

Gamer's Log: April 2nd, 2015,

This game is stunning! If you've ever played old school Final Fantasy or other similar JRPGs than you will LOVE this modern game with that classic feel.The music goes for the high score in the soundtrack too.

Gamer's Log: April 8th, 2015,

Okay, so today I accidently recorded a lot of this game Because It's FUN!!! Okay, I love everything so far and except for my external hard drive kept fucking up and if that happens again I'll just reinstall this game on my laptop so I can get through this.

We finally got to see some action in this four part mini-series event by accident! Well, it's not some we see plenty of action and I'm so excited for you guys to be able to watch!

I've played quite a few of these types of games in my life and I dare say this is one of the best not that it doesn't have flaws all games do and thankfully this game keeps errors to a minimum at least so far anyway.

I wish that when I hold the sprint button it would turn off sprint when I have it set to on. I don't have many complaints at all really I'm really glad I bought this gem.

Check back every now and then for updates to this and more reviews! :3

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