Monday, March 30, 2015

Seedling Review

Below is my ongoing review of the following game 'Seedling' but first here are some links:
Play it yourself here:
Watch me play it here:
Channel theme:

Gamer's Logs: March 30th, 2015,

My first time playthrough of this very well made video game and I'm beyond impressed. The controls are a bit weird and difficult but easy to learn and master. The graphics are beautiful 16 bit quality and chiptune music scores this game masterfully and gives the perfect complement to this wonderful game. :)

Gamer's Logs: April 7th, 2015,

Well this game is living up to its puzzle solving roots of Zelda style gameplay my first Miniboss(?) was a bit of a puzzle to beat but I got em good! I seriously wish I could stop drowning tho. lol

I highly recommend this masterpiece and I can't wait to play more! :D

Gamer's Log: April 8th, 2015,

Okay, I just played a lot more of this great game and boy the puzzles are starting to get hard so pay attention! The more this game unfolds the more I wanna play it and you've got to play it too it is so much fun.

I don't wanna give too much away because I'm not here to write a walkthrough but to only write my thoughts on the game and I'm so impressed by this seemingly small game but don't let looks deceive you.

Check back every now and then for updates to this and more reviews! :3

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